October 24, 2010

Who is parenting your child? You or the Internet???

It can be hard to get your voice through to your child when they are distracted by the internet, cell phones and social media sites.  In my latest Mama on the Mic show, I talked with a Roseville woman who has some very good advice on how to parent in this network culture.

After listening, please give her website a visit: http://www.bananamoments.com/

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mama!! That was really thought prokoving. I have a baby under a year, and have always been unsure how i was going to handle cyber world with him. I really appriciate the straight forward, non-manipultive approach of simply getting in there, embracing tech and teaching through healthy parental modeling. I was also thankful for the phrase "digital native". Its true. Our kids are growing up in a different world, its important to reconize and honor that. Bless Up! your insightful blogs and friendly parental wisdom. Thanks!
