October 14, 2010

Is your child good with money? They can be!

I believe every parent would love for their child to learn the value of a dollar.  But too many times, parents just give, give, give without thinking about the message that is sending to their kids.  Children need to understand the process of saving and making smart consumer choices.  And now there is a simple way to do bring those lessons home.

In my latest Mama on the Mic radio show, I talk with a Sacramento non-profit about how they are providing valuable financial lessons to children and teens.  After listening, please check them out at bemoneysmartusa.org

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! This is a great piece and so very true. I never learned a thing about money until long after I was on my own and I made every mistake one could. What an excellent opportunity for young people to get the education many of us adults didn't! Thanks again Mamaonthemic for bringing this important topic and program to light!
